WE design, We Manufacture, We Diversified…
Similar to many manufactures across the UK, FATHOM and our customers took a hit early on in the pandemic due to our supply chain originating overseas, and as COVID19 spread across countries closing them, the shipment of materials and products faltered. This combined with the UK announcement of the lockdown, our pipeline of future work evaporated almost overnight.
Also, alike many businesses world-wide our reaction was to hit the pause button and to reflect on our future.
With almost all of our customers closed, we were asking ourselves how would we survive as a business? Following months of uncertainty around Brexit and now COVID19, the truth is, it was going to be tough. Our core values of CARE, PURPOSE, RESILIENCE and PASSION were needed now more than ever.
The FATHOM team were quick to respond and developed a 3-stage strategy of SURVIVE – RESET – RELAUNCH.
As no strangers to innovation, we needed to identify what new markets would emerge and how we could adapt as a business to serve them. We quickly recognised that when our customers in retail and commercial environments reopened, the priority would be the welfare of staff and customers. This outlook would also apply wider as many businesses will need to adapt to support stopping the spread and helping to keep everyone safe, whilst giving people the confidence to leave their homes.
The FATHOM team took on the challenge to quickly design, develop and launch a range of Sanitiser Stations that would be suitable for any location/business, small or large. Our stations have received media coverage and generated huge interest from a wide range of new customers.
With guidelines looking to relax further in the near future sanitising facilities will become an essential part of the new ‘normal’ in almost all public environments.
Interested in knowing more, view our online range here.
Or contact the team on 01842 756000 or hello@wefathom.com